countdown clock

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 9: Progress Report

Nine weeks left until the Southern State Competition and things are right on track. I'm weighing around 196-198 lbs as of now and keeping my cardio moderate so I don't drop too low. I still have time to kick it into high gear if I need to before the show. As we get closer you will see more and more lines, detail, and striations slowly come to life. 

Overall, I feel pretty good, except for around 2:00 when I get tired. At that point I usually crack open a BetaNOX and slam it back. It gives me the mental focus I need to get thru the wonderful work day. It only has 25 calories with no sugar or carbs, so it fits into my diet. HOW CAN YOU BEAT THAT?

All the meals at this point are starting to become monotonous. My meals have no flavor and there is no excitement when eating. It has become a necessity like brushing my teeth everyday, I just do it. I will be adding a cheat day shortly to mix it up little and shock my system. Stay tuned...and thanks for following on this journey!

Frontal shots coming shortly.

The Truth

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