countdown clock

Friday, June 3, 2011

Week 6: Progress Report

My weight is still hovering around 194-195 which is great since I have added cardio to the last 3 weeks, usually doing the stairmaster for 30 minutes 5 times a week. I had my body fat tested by the strength coaches over at the University of Central Florida and it read between to 5.5-6% body fat. Not to shabby being about 5 weeks out and not cutting the carbs down at all yet. 

Mentally I feel good and my body is little soar especailly after leg day but over all I am ready to go down to Lauderdale and win my division. I will admit over memorial weekend I cheated by eating a nice helping of general tso chicken and fried rice! Topped that off with a cup of chocolate chip ice cream. The salt and dairy tasted so delicious I felt like I was in heaven just  eating away. I then slapped myself in the head and said boy enough is enough we are on a mission! Take your ass into the gym tonight and turn the cardio up an extra 30 minutes to help sweat out that salt and shit you just ate. I felt great the day after but I do wish I could have eaten so much more of the general tso. Until the next time sacrifice brings rewards to those who hang in there.

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