countdown clock

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week 1: Progress Report

The day is getting closer, this Friday Judgment Day will commence. The audience and yourselves will witness my transformation that began over 12 weeks ago. I will take the stage and prevail. I have not been suffering for all this time to take second in the state show like I did last year! In addition, I will cross over into the open and battle the younger guys in the middle weights.  Usually I feel too exhausted to jump into the open and am happy with just battling in the masters  two weeks later. Not this  year my friends, I am waging war on all in 3 days. You had better of done your cardio, eaten your fish, and drank your water to be extremely tight. I am bringing less than 3% body fat at around 176-180 with a much improved physique than the year before. 

My mood is very mellow right now but craving carbs and sugar. For the last 4 days I have had no more than 75 carbs a day. This process is known as carb depleting and is vital before loading the body back up to cause a huge rush of adrenaline and energy. The feeling of blowing your veins and muscle back up to fullness can't be described. You know what I mean if you have done this before. That tight blood flowing feeling as you squeeze your chest making veins pop out all over threw the skin. Branch Warren a professional bodybuilder that took home the Arnold Classic title this year is a great example of a vein popping, jaw opening build as he hits his poses to the music. Things explode all over and his legs look like a road map from the rush. 

Normally bodybuilders don’t walk around all year looking like this. A lot of people read the magazines and think wow they are huge and ripped. Yeah right! These photo shoots are done before and after the competitions. Otherwise they are just like most people in their off season but a lot larger in size. They eat cakes, cookies, McDonald's and enjoy it! They are human not the monsters people make them out to be. I go up to about 205 when I am not competing and enjoy the time I get eating what I want. The difference is I know when to stop and control my weight if it gets out of hand. This is where most people have trouble. So in a nut shell I am human like you and this is my passion, you can either love me or hate me. However, all haters will respect me after this Saturday...TRUST ME. Pittsburgh is on the agenda next!

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