countdown clock

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 12: Progress Report

Ok everyone 10 days down the hatch and a shit load more to go! For some reason after all these years of doing this and preparing for my shows this first week was brutal. I don't know if I wasn't ready mentally or what but it hurt. Taking away my late night Mcdonald's runs for those nice big Mcfluffy's and double cheeseburger, no pizza, no bagels....nothing. Down to the nighty gritty. I did it cheating at all! No BS! I sucked it up, did my cardio, and ate my fish and chicken as planed. 

Now from this point on everything will or should start to all taste the same going in and down. I am not as tired as last week but I am feeling that soreness and a little sleepiness after lunch time. So I slam a BetaNOX liquid version (because its quicker acting and I don't need to digest the powder) and bingo! I feel rejuvenated and ready to finish out my day and meals. I have dropped about 2-3 lbs which is expected as we move on each week. I prefer to slowly take the lbs off and allow my body to adjust as we go to the drop in weight. This should also allow me to keep my muscle fullness and energy higher than a quick drop in weight. It is less suffering and easier on the mind. I also don't cut carbs as others do because my metabolism is very fast and works quick. I go against the common principal you might all think is...the less you eat the quicker you lose. WRONG. I actually EAT MORE AND LOSE MORE, the opposite of what the mind is taught. I turn my body into a furnace and all the food is just energy to run the furnace and keep the fire going! The will power takes over and the need for junk food will slowly disappear as I stay focused and positive that at the end of this journey is a huge reward. THE GLORY! So hold on the fun is just beginning guys and girls.  Next week I will post some pics of my progress as I finish up week 12 in the Countdown to Judgement Day.
PS Try bowling! I am in a league for money and eating talapia and rice while everyone around you is drinking beer and eating wings! Power of the mind is huge.

The Truth

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