countdown clock

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week -2: Pre-Show Preparation

Lets talk about the final preparation right before the show and weigh-ins. This is crunch time, and every second is crucial. After a few competitions every bodybuilder should have this part down. I personally make a check list and go thru it, making sure I have everything needed. Here's what my checklist looks like:

1. Lets start with the basics...posing trunks! Absolutely have to have these or you will be begging to use someones else's draws! Several years ago a guy in front of me showed up to the weigh-ins in joe boxer underwear. He rolled up the legs so they were tucked into the top and stepped onto the scale. The judge looked over and said "son are you ******* kidding me?! And gave him 10 minutes to find another suit but he couldn't so bye bye son. The moral of the story is always have a back up suit because you never know what could happen.

2. Your Music for the show. Once again always have a backup disc incase it breaks on the way or gets scratched. If not they will put whatever shitty music the dj grabs and you have to perform to it. Thank God this has never happened to me (knock on wood). That would suck.

3. Spray tanning appointment to get colored at the show. Unless you have your own tanning supplies and can do it yourself.

4. Sandals or flip flops.

5. Have food ready for the show. You need to carb up and have goodies to pump up back stage. I use Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, hamburgers, pizza, etc.

6. iPod. Definitely need this especially when there are 450 competitors in the show and I'm lying down on the floor for about 2-3 hrs before even going on. Sucks, so I need some form of entertainment.

7. SP are sheets to lie on in the hotel so you don't stain their sheets and then have to pay for them. Could be a very expensive lesson learned if you have a asshole manager at your hotel.

8. Make sure the hotel has a fridge in the room and microwave to cook in. I bring my rice cooker, George Foreman Grill, scale, measuring cup, etc.

9. Schedule of events so I don't miss weigh-ins or meetings and get disqualified. What a waste that would be huh?

10. Toiletries for after the show. I bring body cleanser, scrub, etc to clean myself off after winning the show and getting ready to fly home. Once again the tanning part is the nastiest part if you're not use to it. I don't rub my eyes, or sit down on the furniture because it will stain and smear all over on top of that nice sweat you incurred from the hard posing you just performed.

11. Pepto Bismol for after the show to ease my gut from eating everything in sight at an unbelievable rate. Last week I ate 3 double cheeseburgers, fries and a frosty for the ride home from FT Lauderdale and a lb and half of peanut M&M's. Later for dinner I had sushi and some chocolate chip ice cream to celebrate. Just one day and then it was right back to the diet for the Master's Nationals. My stomach swelled up like an Ethiopian child from those 10 cents a day commercials, who have nothing but rice in their little blown up bellies.

This should cover my final week and after show preparation list. I enjoy every moment and worked hard for that many weeks. I hope those of you out there competing do too. And remember...if it was easy everyone would do it! BUT THEY CANT!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week 1: Progress Report

The day is getting closer, this Friday Judgment Day will commence. The audience and yourselves will witness my transformation that began over 12 weeks ago. I will take the stage and prevail. I have not been suffering for all this time to take second in the state show like I did last year! In addition, I will cross over into the open and battle the younger guys in the middle weights.  Usually I feel too exhausted to jump into the open and am happy with just battling in the masters  two weeks later. Not this  year my friends, I am waging war on all in 3 days. You had better of done your cardio, eaten your fish, and drank your water to be extremely tight. I am bringing less than 3% body fat at around 176-180 with a much improved physique than the year before. 

My mood is very mellow right now but craving carbs and sugar. For the last 4 days I have had no more than 75 carbs a day. This process is known as carb depleting and is vital before loading the body back up to cause a huge rush of adrenaline and energy. The feeling of blowing your veins and muscle back up to fullness can't be described. You know what I mean if you have done this before. That tight blood flowing feeling as you squeeze your chest making veins pop out all over threw the skin. Branch Warren a professional bodybuilder that took home the Arnold Classic title this year is a great example of a vein popping, jaw opening build as he hits his poses to the music. Things explode all over and his legs look like a road map from the rush. 

Normally bodybuilders don’t walk around all year looking like this. A lot of people read the magazines and think wow they are huge and ripped. Yeah right! These photo shoots are done before and after the competitions. Otherwise they are just like most people in their off season but a lot larger in size. They eat cakes, cookies, McDonald's and enjoy it! They are human not the monsters people make them out to be. I go up to about 205 when I am not competing and enjoy the time I get eating what I want. The difference is I know when to stop and control my weight if it gets out of hand. This is where most people have trouble. So in a nut shell I am human like you and this is my passion, you can either love me or hate me. However, all haters will respect me after this Saturday...TRUST ME. Pittsburgh is on the agenda next!

Week 1: Photo Update

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 5: Photo Update

Southern States here I come like a freight train baby! You all ready for me?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Week 6: Progress Report

My weight is still hovering around 194-195 which is great since I have added cardio to the last 3 weeks, usually doing the stairmaster for 30 minutes 5 times a week. I had my body fat tested by the strength coaches over at the University of Central Florida and it read between to 5.5-6% body fat. Not to shabby being about 5 weeks out and not cutting the carbs down at all yet. 

Mentally I feel good and my body is little soar especailly after leg day but over all I am ready to go down to Lauderdale and win my division. I will admit over memorial weekend I cheated by eating a nice helping of general tso chicken and fried rice! Topped that off with a cup of chocolate chip ice cream. The salt and dairy tasted so delicious I felt like I was in heaven just  eating away. I then slapped myself in the head and said boy enough is enough we are on a mission! Take your ass into the gym tonight and turn the cardio up an extra 30 minutes to help sweat out that salt and shit you just ate. I felt great the day after but I do wish I could have eaten so much more of the general tso. Until the next time sacrifice brings rewards to those who hang in there.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 8: Photo Update

Hello Again. Here's a photo update for you. This is how I finished week 9 and began week 8. Things are looking good and I'm glad I'm on track.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 9: Progress Report

Nine weeks left until the Southern State Competition and things are right on track. I'm weighing around 196-198 lbs as of now and keeping my cardio moderate so I don't drop too low. I still have time to kick it into high gear if I need to before the show. As we get closer you will see more and more lines, detail, and striations slowly come to life. 

Overall, I feel pretty good, except for around 2:00 when I get tired. At that point I usually crack open a BetaNOX and slam it back. It gives me the mental focus I need to get thru the wonderful work day. It only has 25 calories with no sugar or carbs, so it fits into my diet. HOW CAN YOU BEAT THAT?

All the meals at this point are starting to become monotonous. My meals have no flavor and there is no excitement when eating. It has become a necessity like brushing my teeth everyday, I just do it. I will be adding a cheat day shortly to mix it up little and shock my system. Stay tuned...and thanks for following on this journey!

Frontal shots coming shortly.

The Truth

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 11: Photo Update

This is a pic of how I'm looking as of lately. As you can see my body is slowly changing. What you're going to see at the end of this is going to blow your mind!

The Truth

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 12: Progress Report

Ok everyone 10 days down the hatch and a shit load more to go! For some reason after all these years of doing this and preparing for my shows this first week was brutal. I don't know if I wasn't ready mentally or what but it hurt. Taking away my late night Mcdonald's runs for those nice big Mcfluffy's and double cheeseburger, no pizza, no bagels....nothing. Down to the nighty gritty. I did it cheating at all! No BS! I sucked it up, did my cardio, and ate my fish and chicken as planed. 

Now from this point on everything will or should start to all taste the same going in and down. I am not as tired as last week but I am feeling that soreness and a little sleepiness after lunch time. So I slam a BetaNOX liquid version (because its quicker acting and I don't need to digest the powder) and bingo! I feel rejuvenated and ready to finish out my day and meals. I have dropped about 2-3 lbs which is expected as we move on each week. I prefer to slowly take the lbs off and allow my body to adjust as we go to the drop in weight. This should also allow me to keep my muscle fullness and energy higher than a quick drop in weight. It is less suffering and easier on the mind. I also don't cut carbs as others do because my metabolism is very fast and works quick. I go against the common principal you might all think is...the less you eat the quicker you lose. WRONG. I actually EAT MORE AND LOSE MORE, the opposite of what the mind is taught. I turn my body into a furnace and all the food is just energy to run the furnace and keep the fire going! The will power takes over and the need for junk food will slowly disappear as I stay focused and positive that at the end of this journey is a huge reward. THE GLORY! So hold on the fun is just beginning guys and girls.  Next week I will post some pics of my progress as I finish up week 12 in the Countdown to Judgement Day.
PS Try bowling! I am in a league for money and eating talapia and rice while everyone around you is drinking beer and eating wings! Power of the mind is huge.

The Truth

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 12: Show Diet

This video explains what I ate during Week 13 (April 10-16) and will continue to eat thru Week 12 (April 17- 23). Once Week 11 comes around I'll change it up again and let you know what I'm doing differently.

Check out the video about my diet:

Tell me what you think. Let me know if you want to join me and go thru this together. Or just tell me what you eat to prepare if its different from what I'm doing. Enjoy!

The Truth

Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 13: Lets Get Ripped Shall We?

This is how I'm starting out and you'll see me again in a few weeks how my body changes. Get Ready!

The Truth

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 13: The Training begins!

Countdown to Judgement Day is all about my preparation for the Southern State and Master's National Bodybuilding Competitions in July.

On this blog I will report my progress, talk about training and my show diet as the weeks go on. It's not easy and as we all know, if it was, everyone would do it. So for now watch what I do and hopefully I'll inspire you to reach your goals. My goal is to get first place, yours may be to lose 40 lbs or gain 40 lbs and get jacked. Whatever is it we can do it together. I report my progress to you and you report to me. We talk about our struggles and in the end, come out on top.

If you're training for a competition blow up my Facebook Page with your progress as well. 

Here's pic of how I'm starting off.

Now watch and learn.

The Truth